Monday, June 18, 2012


I've had quite a few jobs throughout my lifetime, but I must say out of all of those jobs working at Jamba Juice was the best. My position was a Team Member and my duties included cash register, stock, store cleaning, customer service and food preparation. Working at Jamba Juice was the type of job where you were excited to come into work, I would even cover anyone's shift who asked me to. The other Team Members and Leads were a pleasure to be around and made the work environment fun yet productive. It didn't hurt that we could make our own smoothies and drink smoothies all day.

While working at Jamba I gained a lot of customer service experience and learned how to interact with customers regardless of if I was in a good mood or having a bad day. My role required a lot of face to face communication and helped me gain confidence when speaking to strangers which is going to help me a lot when it is time to move on to internship. Jamba Juice taught me how to properly operate and communicate in a business setting and I have been using the structure and skills I obtained through my employment and applying them to many aspects of my life.

Though I have had many jobs, like Jamba Juice, that I have thoroughly enjoyed and learned from, there were a few that did not have that same outcome. One of those jobs was DSW (Discount Shoe Warehouse). Unlike my optimistic outlook on Jamba, I would come into DSW everyday vexed with a pessimistic state of mind. My role was a Sales Associate and I was responsible for store up-keep, stock, assisting customers, and sales. What made my job so hard to enjoy was the pressure they put on the employees to get people so sign up for rewards cards. How many people I got to sign up a day affected how many hours I was given for the week, so if I didn't sell a lot, I didn't really get to work. Though I did not enjoy this job I learned how to stick through things and keep doing the best I can and also gained a lot of patience and the ability to use my resources because I had to think on my toes a lot.


  1. I can really relate to the things that you said because I have had some good jobs and some bad jobs and I learned a lot from both. I really admired the fact that though you hated DSW you stuck with it for a minute and that shows you can persevere through anything. I also learned to deal with people that were complete strangers which will totally help me during internship time. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  2. I loved this and my best friend used to work for jamba juice and she loved it too! I love that place, great post!
