Friday, July 20, 2012

Internship Preparaton

When I start my internship my time management, professional dress, and verbal communication skills that I developed during L&D are what I anticipate I will be displaying first. Before I get my role assigned and start doing work the first thing my managers are going to see is the way I present myself when I speak and the way I choose to dress and they are going to see me arrive early and leave late everyday.

During my internship I hope to develop the ability to think on my toes and answer my own questions before I have to seek help from my manager or someone else on my team. I also hope to develop more confidence and take on more leadership roles without being intimidated or afraid of messing up.

To stand out during internship I am going to keep practicing my ability to dress professionally, show initiative and eagerness to get my work done and do more then expected of me. I want to be the first one in and the last to leave and make sure I add value to my team so that when internship is over I have shown that I am an asset so I can stand out amongst the other interns.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Making the Most of your Internship

1. Avoid Negativity: I chose this tip first because it personally relates to me the most. Outside stress and negativity is something I struggle with handling. When you are in a negative place it is hard to focus, your mood will reflect onto your work and other people in the office will pick up on your vibes. If there are situations outside of work that you think will negatively effect you, the best thing to do is find ways to cut them out of your life.

2. Set Goals: People with goals tend to prepare and execute better than people who just blindly go into things. Whether the goal is something as big as a career or as little as how fast you want to complete assignments, setting goals always helps you exceed expectations.

3. Take Initiative: Be happy and eager to learn while in internship because it will show your manager your dedication. Even if you have downtime you should ask for more work, and if there is no more work, ask if there is someone in the office you can shadow so your sure you are making the most of your internship experience.

4. Schedule Meetings: Ask your manager to put aside time with you to review the work you've done and receive feedback so that you may improve your performance.

5. Be Professional: A funny joke or gesture could be the difference between employment and unemployment. You are not friends with your colleagues, so don't take any chances with offending someone in the office. Also, keep your dress and conversation on a professional level at all times.

6. Network: Ever heard the saying, "It's not what you know, it's who you know"? It's true. Networking is a very important part of climbing up the corporate ladder. You never know who you might meet at an event and chances to network could potentially end up in employment.

7. Enjoy Your Work: Having a positive attitude at work reflects on your assignments. Your manager will also like you more if you show your personality and make yourself personable. Sometimes the person with some skills and more personality wins over the quiet skillful one.

8. Leave With Tangible Accomplishments: Do things that you will be able to put down on your resume to help you obtain more job opportunities. Simply being able to say "I fixed computers" or "Answered phone calls" is not enough to make an employer want to hire you.

9. Ask Questions: Asking questions shows interest in your work and the company. If you don't ever ask questions it's easy to come across like you don't care or aren't concerned about the quality of your work.

10. Find a Role Model: Find someone who is in the type of position you want that can give you advice and also answer any questions you may have during your internship experience. Your role model can point you in the right direction and help you stay on track during the progression of you trying to reach your goal.

11. Learn More About Your Company: Interest in who you are working for always reflects well on an intern. This is another way to demonstrate taking initiative and your eagerness to learn.

12. Exceed Expectations: Commit to less but deliver more, that way you are constantly impressing your manager and showing that you have real interest in your work.