Friday, July 20, 2012

Internship Preparaton

When I start my internship my time management, professional dress, and verbal communication skills that I developed during L&D are what I anticipate I will be displaying first. Before I get my role assigned and start doing work the first thing my managers are going to see is the way I present myself when I speak and the way I choose to dress and they are going to see me arrive early and leave late everyday.

During my internship I hope to develop the ability to think on my toes and answer my own questions before I have to seek help from my manager or someone else on my team. I also hope to develop more confidence and take on more leadership roles without being intimidated or afraid of messing up.

To stand out during internship I am going to keep practicing my ability to dress professionally, show initiative and eagerness to get my work done and do more then expected of me. I want to be the first one in and the last to leave and make sure I add value to my team so that when internship is over I have shown that I am an asset so I can stand out amongst the other interns.

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